Online Oil Painting Courses

“I am so captivated with every brush stroke! It is a very immersive experience. Loving every second.”  – Irene

Discover a through approach oil painting.  Start with the foundations in “Oil Painting for Absolute Beginners” and learn how to handle paint.  With a painterly approach grounded in traditional methods, you’ll be well prepared to learn the rules and break them too.

Register For Online Oil Painting Lessons

Are you interested in registering for Nicole’s online oil painting classes?
View each course individually, or consider a
monthly or yearly subscription to access all course materials at your own leisure.

Learn Oil Painting At Your Own Pace

Following along in each instructional video to learn oil painting at your own pace. Nicole breaks down every aspect and skill required to learn the fundamentals of oil painting, and takes you on a detailed journey, teaching you at your own pace.